Descarga acá la publicación La transformación tecnológica está redefiniendo la demanda de habilidades en el mercado laboral, exigiendo con mayor urgencia una fuerza de trabajo más preparada. La computación en la nube, las redes sociales, la economía colaborativa, los datos masivos y la inteligencia artificial llegaron para quedarse. Esto representa un gran reto para … [Lee más...] about Desarrollo de habilidades en la era digital: tres grandes tendencias y dos brechas por revertir
Elena Arias Ortiz

Elena Arias Ortiz
Elena Arias Ortiz is a Senior Education Specialist. She joined the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in 2011 as part of the Young Professional Program. Her first rotation was in the Competitiveness and Innovation Division. Since then, she has been part of the Education Division. Before joining the IDB, she previously worked as a consultant for the World Bank, UNDP, and the European Commission. Elena holds a Master Degree in Economic Analysis and a Ph.D. in Economics, both from the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Her research focuses mainly on the development of skills and the transition of student to higher education and the workplace and the use of digital tools to improve learning. Her publication record includes international peer-reviewed journals.