La edición 2022 del Informe Global de Brecha de Género proyecta que, al ritmo actual de avance, América Latina y el Caribe alcanzará la paridad de género en 67 años, es decir, en 2089. En este escenario, es probable que ninguna de las autoras de este blog verá en vida ese logro. Las mujeres de la región no pueden esperar tanto. Por ello, exploramos las pistas que emergen del … [Lee más...] about ¿Qué pistas nos da el Global Gender Gap Report sobre las brechas de género?
Kim Piaget

Kim Piaget
Kim Piaget is the Insights Lead, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice at the centre for the New Economy and Society at the World Economic Forum. She is one of the co-authors of the sixteenth edition of the Global Gender Gap Report, launched July 2022. For the past twelve years, Kim has worked to advance Gender Justice and Women’s Rights in Latin America, Australia and the Pacific, as well as Western Europe. She has collaborated across a range of civil society, policy research, and international development organisations, including Oxfam International, Oxfam Mexico, the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, and Abt Associates. She holds an MA in International Affairs and Governance from Universität St. Gallen, and a BA in International Relations from Tecnologico de Monterrey.