Los emprendedores son expertos en movilizarse rápido y convertir los desafíos en oportunidades. En el marco de la pandemia, BID Lab realizó un mapeo regional para visibilizar las soluciones que van surgiendo de esta red. Estos datos abiertos, presentados con una interfaz intuitiva, sirven para facilitar colaboraciones, escalar conceptos robustos, y dimensionar la … [Lee más...] about El aliado visible: datos abiertos sobre la red de emprendedores y sus respuestas al COVID-19
Julien Collaer

Julien Collaer
Julien Collaer, Data Scientist @IDB Lab and passionate about open source. Bio-engineer from the University of Liège (Belgium), master GIS University of Girona (Spain) and Professional Certificate in Data Science (Georgetown University, US). 15 years of experience in IT, Data and GIS. Self-taught, I play and code since forever. I particularly enjoy working and promoting all open source and open data technologies and initiatives. I have been working at the IDB Lab for almost a year with the conviction that the open source sharing of data and technologies is one of the pillars to promote and escalate the economic development of our projects.