7 minutos de lectura. Los cursos virtuales tipo MOOC, que en inglés responden al nombre de Massive Online Open Course, son una herramienta de enseñanza que puede usarse de dos maneras: puede ser un vehículo para replicar una clase presencial siguiendo la enseñanza y aprendizaje tradicional, o puede utilizarse para innovar pedagógicamente. El solo hecho de utilizar tecnología … [Lee más...] about Innovación pedagógica en cursos MOOC: el storytelling como herramienta de aprendizaje
Andrea Leonelli

Andrea Leonelli
Andrea is a specialist in Knowledge and Learning and supports the Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES) in the management of learning projects and instructional design for the development of online learning solutions aimed at strengthening capacities and competencies in the region. An e-learning specialist, she has been a teacher in Brazil for several years and always seeks to learn more about the use of technologies as tools in the teaching and learning process. Andrea is a pedagogue, has a master's degree in education from the University of Montreal, and has more than 15 years of experience designing online training courses for international organizations such as the IDB, the OAS, and the IMF.