Hoy anunciamos el lanzamiento de una nueva herramienta para compartir experiencias y aprendizajes clave en el desarrollo de programas de financiamiento verde en América Latina y el Caribe. KLAVE Finanzas Verdes es una fuente de conocimiento para quienes trabajan en Bancos Nacionales de Desarrollo en la promoción de programas de financiamiento para la transición a una economía … [Lee más...] about Finanzas Verdes en América Latina y Caribe, todo nuestro conocimiento en un sitio web
Maria E. Netto de A. C. Schneider

Maria E. Netto de A. C. Schneider
Maria serves as Financial Markets Principal and Climate Change Specialist at the IDB. She is responsible for supporting public development banks in Latin America and the Caribbean in creating “green” financing strategies. She worked at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) supervising a worldwide support program for measuring investment flows and financing and for more than 10 years at the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where she was responsible for climate finance, and formed part of the team that established the institutional framework for implementing the carbon market mechanism set out in the Kyoto Protocol. She has a master’s degree from the Swiss Institute of International Studies in Switzerland.