For much of my life, I’ve been obsessed with gender and mathematics. As a kid I loved when my dad made up math games and riddles, challenging me to come up with solutions. But it was clear to me that not all kids and certainly not all girls shared my love for mathematics. Decades later, the aversion for mathematics that I saw among my girlfriends is replicated in new … [Lee más...] about Fashionable to be Dumb
What do you think when we mix gender with education?
For several months, from the IDB Education Division, we have been holding the #Glassesoff campaign, which seeks to raise awareness on gender and education. Through it, we managed to approach the issue from different perspectives: listing numerous initiatives to raise awareness against stereotypes, presenting results on a Mexican program to prevent dating violence, … [Lee más...] about What do you think when we mix gender with education?
Jobs have no gender
Written by Marina Bassi and Daniel Alonso When we talk about gender inequality, we tend to associate it with disadvantages of girls and women in different dimensions. It is well documented that women participate less in the labor market, and those who work are more concentrated in informal jobs and careers less paid than men. Even in equivalent occupations, women earn … [Lee más...] about Jobs have no gender
Blog post contest #Glassesoff
If you enjoy writing and you are interested in gender and education issues, this is your chance to share your vision and opinion through this initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank. The Education Division, through its campaign #Glassesoff seeks to generate awareness about the transmission of gender stereotypes in the education system. … [Lee más...] about Blog post contest #Glassesoff
From queens of the house to owners of the field*
Written by Claudia Piras* My daughter was 11 when we visited my family in Buenos Aires that year. One afternoon, as she does in Washington, she went with her cousins to play soccer in a nearby field. On her return, she told us surprised, rather proud, that the boys could not believe she knew how to play and that even some of them had approached to ask her where she came from. … [Lee más...] about From queens of the house to owners of the field*