Written by Elena Arias-Ortiz and João Marcelo Borges With the energy of an 18-year old, Valeria Ferreira Moreira wakes up at 5 a.m. everyday to go to the gym. By 8 a.m., she arrives to her office at a real estate firm where she is working her first job. “I am really happy! Before, I had to go my internship in the morning, then I had school in the afternoon followed by … [Lee más...] about “Never stop dreaming, never stop studying”
How far can a “poor” child go?*
Written by Emiliana Vegas Gustavo Dudamel was five when he already had his own orchestra. He played a vinyl record with Beethoven's Seventh Symphony on his father´s turntable, and waved his arms holding his baton —a piece of wire—, to conduct the dolls that he had carefully arranged around his grandmother´s courtyard. He was as passionate and enthusiastic as he is today … [Lee más...] about How far can a “poor” child go?*
What do you think when we mix gender with education?
For several months, from the IDB Education Division, we have been holding the #Glassesoff campaign, which seeks to raise awareness on gender and education. Through it, we managed to approach the issue from different perspectives: listing numerous initiatives to raise awareness against stereotypes, presenting results on a Mexican program to prevent dating violence, … [Lee más...] about What do you think when we mix gender with education?
Markets and education*
One characteristic of our times is our faith in the market as a mechanism to allocate goods and services. The drive of competition induces innovation, continuous improvement, and efficient use of resources. All of this, result in advances in productivity. With these arguments, the State reduced its active participation in the markets in recent decades. The results have … [Lee más...] about Markets and education*
Blog post contest #Glassesoff
If you enjoy writing and you are interested in gender and education issues, this is your chance to share your vision and opinion through this initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank. The Education Division, through its campaign #Glassesoff seeks to generate awareness about the transmission of gender stereotypes in the education system. … [Lee más...] about Blog post contest #Glassesoff