* Written by Daniel Alonso Soto Today, June 12th, the World Day Against Child Labor is celebrated, which this year focuses on highlighting the importance of social protection to keep children out of child labor. This made me realize how fortunate I’ve been. I was able to grow up and complete my studies, having to focus on nothing more than merely learning, playing, and … [Lee más...] about No time to grow up
Standardized tests: a race to nowhere?
I just saw "Race to Nowhere," a documentary that is being widely discussed in the United States. This documentary was produced by a mother, Vicki Abeles, about the stress that school was causing her twelve-year-old daughter. The film is a critique of the "wave" of educational accountability sweeping the United States and which is manifested in the use—indiscriminate use, say … [Lee más...] about Standardized tests: a race to nowhere?