“My school is better than yours” said a 13-year old to his classmate in the school that I was visiting. I approached him and asked him why he had said that; blushing, he answered: “Because my school is bigger and does have everything we need”. In a couple of words, this young student reminds us that, for many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, providing adequate … [Lee más...] about Why my school is better than yours…
6 school management practices to improve learning
My work has taken me to visit schools across Ecuador’s diverse regions: the coast and the Galapagos Islands, the Andes, and the Amazon. In each of these places, schools possess unique characteristics and, in some cases, even different school calendars! When I’m visiting a new school, I always wonder: what do these schools do to strengthen learning with the resources they have? … [Lee más...] about 6 school management practices to improve learning
Seis buenas prácticas de la gestión escolar para mejorar el aprendizaje
Mi trabajo me ha llevado a visitar escuelas a lo largo y ancho del Ecuador: en la costa y las Islas Galápagos, en la región interandina y en la Amazonia. Cada una con características diferentes e, incluso, ¡calendarios escolares diferentes! Durante cada visita siempre me vienen a la mente ciertas preguntas: ¿Qué hacen estas escuelas para fortalecer el aprendizaje con los … [Lee más...] about Seis buenas prácticas de la gestión escolar para mejorar el aprendizaje