* By Catalina Covacevich In January 2014, 7 year-old Charlotte Benjamin wrote to the Lego corporation, disappointed by the role of female characters in the company’s playsets. In her letter, she said that although she loves playing with Legos, she doesn’t like that there are more “Lego boys” than there are “Lego girls”. She also pointed out that “Lego girls” are always sitting … [Lee más...] about More “Lego” Girls
A evaluar a evaluar que el mundo se va a acabar
*Por Catalina Covacevich En Chile, al igual que en muchos otros países, estamos envueltos en una vorágine de evaluaciones que miden el aprendizaje estudiantil. Por un lado, se aplican las pruebas internacionales: TIMSS, PISA, ICCS, etc. Por otro, la prueba nacional del Sistema Nacional de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (SIMCE) que se administra de manera anual … [Lee más...] about A evaluar a evaluar que el mundo se va a acabar
To assess or not to assess, that is the question
*By Catalina Covacevic In Chile, as in many other countries, we are involved in a multitude of assessments that measure student learning. On one hand, various international tests are carried out: TIMSS, PISA, ICCS, etc. On the other hand, the National Agency of Quality of Education annually or biennially administers the Education Quality Measurement System Test (SIMCE) … [Lee más...] about To assess or not to assess, that is the question
Education, the road to happiness
Despite what we have been told, money doesn’t seem to be sufficient to explain happiness, or at least not fully. According to data from Gallup’s Global Wellbeing report, countries are classified according to their wellbeing, defined as what their citizens think about their present and future lives. That is, their satisfaction and expectations. In these terms, the three highest … [Lee más...] about Education, the road to happiness
La educación hace la felicidad
A pesar de lo que nos han dicho, la plata no parece suficiente para explicar la felicidad, o al menos, no basta. Los datos de las Encuestas de Bienestar Global aplicadas por Gallup, permiten clasificar a los países según su prosperidad, definida como la opinión que tienen los habitantes sobre su vida presente y futura, o sea, su satisfacción y expectativas. Así, los tres … [Lee más...] about La educación hace la felicidad