Some mistakes are easy to remember and especially those you make in a language other than your own. Having grown up as a Swedish-speaking Finn, I remember clearly how during one of my first Finnish language classes, I told everyone “I am a ball” instead of “I have a ball”. While my story took place in Finland, my experience could resemble that of millions of children in the … [Lee más...] about Learning how to learn in your own language
Más allá de la tecnología, ¿cómo se innova en educación?
Innovación es una palabra que escuchamos a diario en todas partes. Pero aunque tendemos a asociarla con el mundo de la tecnología, las startups y las grandes empresas de Silicon Valley, ni la innovación es exclusiva del sector tecnológico ni todas las transformaciones que impactan la calidad de vida de la gente tienen necesariamente un componente tecnológico. En educación, por … [Lee más...] about Más allá de la tecnología, ¿cómo se innova en educación?
Innovating in education: is it all about technology?
Innovation is one of those words we hear everyday. And while we tend to associate it with the world of tech, startups and Silicon Valley’s companies, it is by no means a concept that belongs only in that field. Nor do all the new transformations that have an impact in people’s lives involve technology. In education, for instance, a wide range of innovative projects have emerged … [Lee más...] about Innovating in education: is it all about technology?
Niñas y ciencias: la experiencia peruana
¿Por qué el agua moja? ¿Por qué tengo ojos castaños? ¿Por qué titilan las estrellas? Un grupo de alumnos de tercer grado en la escuela Corazón de Jesús en las afueras de Lima, Perú, se queda después de la jornada escolar para abordar preguntas como estas. … [Lee más...] about Niñas y ciencias: la experiencia peruana
A thought on the education agenda for the future we want
The beginning of a new year always brings an opportunity to analyze what we have achieved so far and set our eyes on the future. In education, this could not be more true: 2016 ended with the publication of the results from the PISA 2015 assessments, a reminder of the urgency with which education systems in the region must accelerate the efforts to improve the quality of … [Lee más...] about A thought on the education agenda for the future we want