Written by Lina Zuluaga Every time that state or international exams results, such as PISA, are published, teachers are the first to be blamed by the public opinion for student’s weak performance. Their results still leave much to be desired, and although it is bad news for national education, it helps to highlight the issue in the public agenda. However, we need to go … [Lee más...] about The best school is a good home*
Quality infrastructure for quality education in Haiti
Written by Anne Sofie Olsen Since the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the teachers and students from Externat la Providence School, in Port-au-Prince, have attended class in temporary facilities. Finally, we can say that those days are starting to be left behind thanks to the milestone we have reached of rebuilding this first school with anti-seismic design. … [Lee más...] about Quality infrastructure for quality education in Haiti
What do you think when we mix gender with education?
For several months, from the IDB Education Division, we have been holding the #Glassesoff campaign, which seeks to raise awareness on gender and education. Through it, we managed to approach the issue from different perspectives: listing numerous initiatives to raise awareness against stereotypes, presenting results on a Mexican program to prevent dating violence, … [Lee más...] about What do you think when we mix gender with education?
Identifying tomorrow’s troublemakers in kindergarten
What if schools and policymakers were able to predict with a good deal of reliability the troublemakers and the success stories of tomorrow? What if this could be done at the time kids enter kindergarten and done in a cost-effective manner? … [Lee más...] about Identifying tomorrow’s troublemakers in kindergarten
From princesses to superheroes
*Written by Arlene Sabaris, selected as the winner of our blog post contest #Glassesoff When I listen to a mother say to her son that a house chore is for "girls"or "it's your sister's job," I think how often mothers and fathers are the first shapers of the character and behavior of children. We blame schools and teachers for our responsibilities and we also complain about the … [Lee más...] about From princesses to superheroes