* By Justine Stewart and Cynthia Hobbs Imagine an assembly line, organized with all the essential inputs to produce a successful school. Now, imagine that only a handful of the schools are effective. How would you change the production process? This is the challenge that Jamaica’s Ministry of Education (MoE) faces: how to develop the proper support system to improve … [Lee más...] about Mass Producing Excellence in Education: Transforming Exceptions into the Rule
De niños a hombres
♦ Escrito por Cynthia Hobbs y Stefan Wright* Cynthia Hobbs, Stefan Wright y Harris Keefa visitando la construcción del Marriott Courtyard Hotel en New Kingston. Algunas veces, una oportunidad le puede cambiar la vida a una persona. Este parece ser el caso de Harris Keefa de Kingston, Jamaica. Keefa participó en un entrenamiento para aprender a trabajar acero … [Lee más...] about De niños a hombres
From boys to men
♦ By Cynthia Hobbs and Stefan Wright* . Sometimes one opportunity can change a person’s life. That seems to be the case for Mr. Keefa Harris of Kingston, Jamaica. Keefa received training in steel work under an IDB-funded Citizen Security & Justice Program. His interest and dedication set him apart as a star participant. … [Lee más...] about From boys to men
You can’t make a pig fat by weighing it! – Part II
Seven lessons learned and three steps to use data to improve teaching In the last post of this series on student learning evaluation we showed that, although test results are available, schools and teachers across the region do not systematically use them to inform education policy and teaching practices. We know we have a problem, now let’s focus on solutions. … [Lee más...] about You can’t make a pig fat by weighing it! – Part II
¡No se engorda al puerco con tan solo pesarlo! – Parte II
Siete lecciones aprendidas y tres pasos para utilizar datos para mejorar la enseñanza En el último post de esta serie sobre evaluaciones de aprendizaje estudiantil mostramos que, aunque los resultados de las pruebas están disponibles, las escuelas y los maestros de la región no las utilizan sistemáticamente para informar la política educativa y las prácticas de enseñanza. Ya … [Lee más...] about ¡No se engorda al puerco con tan solo pesarlo! – Parte II