My oldest daughter is never just pleased. She’s ecstatic. She’s never just worried, she panics. She lives completely in every moment, focusing only on what interests her right now. She has a hard time sitting still and paying attention to her teacher or a TV show. When an idea pops into her head, she immediately needs to act on it. My experience might look like the one of other … [Lee más...] about What’s Your Child’s Secret Power? Beyond Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Abilities
School Community
Who said that young people don’t like school?
Five hundred Paraguayans meet in groups of ten. They exchange opinions, discuss, intervene and conclude that the low quality of education and corruption are the issues that most affect their environment. And they do not stay there. They propose solutions, they talk with the community, they inform, they investigate, they look for alliances. This dynamic might sound similar to … [Lee más...] about Who said that young people don’t like school?
Education, Urban Poverty and Violence
One of the major challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) today revolves around issues of youth violence. LAC is the only region globally that had an increasing trend in the number of homicides between 1995 and 2010, according to a UNODC Global Study on Homicides. LAC also has the second highest rate of youth violence in the world. In the LAC region, the … [Lee más...] about Education, Urban Poverty and Violence