Last week, the New York Times opened its doors for the inaugural Schools for Tomorrow conference on bringing technology into the classroom. Archived videos can be found here; the twitter stream can be found under #nytedtech. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to attend the conference and reflect on what I felt were some overarching themes: Teachers and … [Lee más...] about Schools for Tomorrow
Targeting Top Teachers to Foster Future Rocket Scientists
Judging from the news it may seem that politicians in the United States dedicate themselves exclusively to political infighting. But one area where there is an opportunity to avoid political gridlock is education. This fall offers a last opportunity for the current Congress to rewrite the country’s major education legislation, known as No Child left Behind. One of the most … [Lee más...] about Targeting Top Teachers to Foster Future Rocket Scientists
Strong Bodies, Stronger Minds II
In my last blog, I focused on some recent findings that show how much girls can benefit from school-based team sports, not only while in school but much beyond. New research confirms this, but goes even further. It inquires into whether physical exercise in general boosts academics or if there is an extra “academic premium” on any given type of activity. … [Lee más...] about Strong Bodies, Stronger Minds II
Structural solutions
written by: Jorge Mahecha. It's true: There is an epidemic of “enseñas,” or alternative teacher training programs, in Latin America, as Marcelo Cabrol correctly noted in an earlier blog. Enseña por Colombia (ExC), launched early 2011 after a year and a half of initial development, is a young organization going full steam ahead, its first group of teachers set to deploy in … [Lee más...] about Structural solutions
Learning from South Korea
South Korea is an example of rapid economic growth and excellent results in education. In 1960, Korea had one of the lowest Gross Economic Products in the world, and until the early 1980s, its standings ranked very similarly to those of Latin American countries. However, following a sustained annual growth of 6 percent, South Korea today is not only one of the world’s most … [Lee más...] about Learning from South Korea