All HR managers face the same dilemma when hiring staff: “How can I identify suitable and highly effective future workers?” Now, imagine that the HR manager is recruiting for a position in which it is virtually impossible to dismiss the employee, and where promotions are generally granted just by the mere accumulation of years of service. … [Lee más...] about Can clinical practice lessons help us identify effective teachers at the time of hire?
The Greening of Little Ones!
How many shades of green are there? Mother Nature and Crayola would say thousands. But the way the climate is changing, we might be coloring some regions in browns. That’s why we have to protect the global environment. But who can do such a task? Well, all those little hands that draw those perfect pictures can also create great outdoor scenes: live ones; ones that move, … [Lee más...] about The Greening of Little Ones!
Sneak Preview
Over the course of the last five years, I have been working on a project to measure child development outcomes in four countries in Latin America. This may not sound like that big of a deal, or even that necessary. But it is. On both accounts. … [Lee más...] about Sneak Preview
More “Lego” Girls
* By Catalina Covacevich In January 2014, 7 year-old Charlotte Benjamin wrote to the Lego corporation, disappointed by the role of female characters in the company’s playsets. In her letter, she said that although she loves playing with Legos, she doesn’t like that there are more “Lego boys” than there are “Lego girls”. She also pointed out that “Lego girls” are always sitting … [Lee más...] about More “Lego” Girls
Mass Producing Excellence in Education: Transforming Exceptions into the Rule
* By Justine Stewart and Cynthia Hobbs Imagine an assembly line, organized with all the essential inputs to produce a successful school. Now, imagine that only a handful of the schools are effective. How would you change the production process? This is the challenge that Jamaica’s Ministry of Education (MoE) faces: how to develop the proper support system to improve … [Lee más...] about Mass Producing Excellence in Education: Transforming Exceptions into the Rule