Most of us can probably recall that special early childhood book that we insisted our parents, grandparents and caregivers read to us over and over again. That special book that made us fall in love with reading. For me it was Elsa Beskow’s enchanting The Tale of the Little, Little Old Woman. … [Lee más...] about What was the first book that made you fall in love with reading?
Early Childhood Education
Is preschool education the secret to a more prosperous region?
* By Svante Persson Investing in preschool is actually more profitable than investing in the stock market. The estimated return (per dollar of cost) for high quality early childhood education is in excess of 10% (see link). In comparison, over the last 20 years the stock market’s S&P 500 index had an average annual return of less than 7.8% per year (see link). … [Lee más...] about Is preschool education the secret to a more prosperous region?
Talk to your baby
* By Catalina Covacevich Children formally learn to read in first grade. However, this is not achieved overnight. Instead it requires the mastery of pre-reading skills that begin to develop in the first months of life. For that reason, we should promote these skills before entering school. In that way, we can improve the reading ability of students. … [Lee más...] about Talk to your baby
El Grandulón Tristón can change the world
* Written by Joanna Loeber, winner of the ALAS-IDB Award for Best Publication The ALAS-IDB Awards are an incentive to cultivate smiles in early childhood On a planet where crises have become almost constant occurrences, nothing compares to the honest and selfless smile of a child to spread hope and happiness. Children possess the ability to change the world and turn darkness … [Lee más...] about El Grandulón Tristón can change the world
Did you have one of those awesome teachers who turned your world around?
I think all of us can recall a special teacher who inspired us, pushed us and made us grow. For me it was my Spanish teacher who planted in me a seed that has led to a lifelong love affair with the cultures, peoples and countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. For others it may be the teacher who mentored them and made them see that they had the power to transform their … [Lee más...] about Did you have one of those awesome teachers who turned your world around?