Education is perhaps the most effective path toward achieving sustainable development. Ensuring that children and youth acquire the skills and competencies needed to succeed in life requires that they are provided with opportunities to develop the appropriate cognitive and social skills. In this process, fostering positive relationships between schools and communities becomes a … [Lee más...] about How can active communities contribute to improving learning?
Costa Rica
¿Cómo aprende a leer nuestro cerebro?
Nuestro cerebro no está cableado para leer. La lengua escrita es un invento. Un invento que, en las palabras del poeta Francisco de Quevedo, nos permite: “escuchar con los ojos a los muertos”. Y en el Siglo XXI, la habilidad para comprender lo que leemos se ha convertido en la competencia académica y laboral más básica de todas. Si nuestros estudiantes no comprenden lo que … [Lee más...] about ¿Cómo aprende a leer nuestro cerebro?
How our brain learns to read
Our brain is not wired to read. Written language is an invention. An invention that, in the words of the poet Francisco de Quevedo, allows us: “listen with our eyes to the deceased.” In the 21st century, the ability to understand what we read has become the most fundamental of all academic and work-related competencies. If our students do not understand what they read, only … [Lee más...] about How our brain learns to read