El occidente de Honduras es una región extremadamente montañosa de bellos y exuberantes bosques de pinos. Está habitada por la población de origen lenka, descendientes de Lempira, quien fue gran antecesor de la independencia de América Latina. Por otra parte, es una de las regiones de Honduras con mayores retos de desarrollo en la actualidad. Sus tasas de pobreza son mayores a … [Lee más...] about Largo camino, buen destino
Long road, good destiny
Western Honduras is an extremely mountainous region filled with beautiful and lush pine forests. It is inhabited by the population of lenka origin, descendants of Lempira, who was a great ancestor of the independence of Latin America. On the other hand, this region of Honduras faces major development challenges today. Its poverty rates are higher than the rest of the country, … [Lee más...] about Long road, good destiny
A Ganar: Soccer, life skills and a job
Every year, throughout Latin-America and the Caribbean, hundreds of thousands of young people drop out of secondary schools. Most of them do so with limited skills, qualifications and experience to enter today’s competitive job market. Most of them (70% according to A-Ganar) end up “unattached” (outside school and unemployed). A Ganar works with these young people and through … [Lee más...] about A Ganar: Soccer, life skills and a job
A Ganar: fútbol, aptitudes para la vida y un empleo
Cada año, en América Latina y El Caribe, cientos de miles de jóvenes abandonan la escuela secundaria y pocos de ellos cuentan con las aptitudes, calificaciones y experiencia necesarias para entrar al muy competido mercado laboral de hoy en día. Según A Ganar, un innovador programa que combina fútbol, aptitudes para la vida y oportunidades laborales, el 70% son "ni-nis" porque … [Lee más...] about A Ganar: fútbol, aptitudes para la vida y un empleo
Prodigies and play
I’m sure this has happened to you. You’re hanging out with a group of friends and the conversation turns to your kids. Happens all the time, right? One of these friends then starts to monopolize the conversation. He insists that his child is a prodigy, advanced far beyond what average kids of the same age know and can do. One asks: so, how do you know? Among the – at this … [Lee más...] about Prodigies and play