* By Anouk Ewald One, a woman from the Northern colds of developed Europe. The other, a man from the warmth of the sunny but developing Caribbean. What can they possibly have in common? What are they talking about? That’s what we wondered while seeing the two of them sitting together, engaged in an animated discussion as if they were old friends, but surprisingly they had only … [Lee más...] about A Shift toward Quality
What drives teachers’ future?
By Hugo Ñopo @hugonopo and Fernando Fernandez @ffernandezbazan In our cities we often hear that we have "the best educated cab drivers of the world.” As a matter of fact, a while ago in Lima, a taxi driver who's also a friend said mischievously: "But Doctor, you should know that taxi drivers here are more cultivated than a yogurt." The statistics confirm that our … [Lee más...] about What drives teachers’ future?
Who’s your million dollar teacher?
Do you know of any exceptional educators who have made a difference in the lives of children and the school community? Now is your opportunity to give back! Nominations for the Global Teacher Prize by the Varkey GEMS Foundation are being accepted until October 5, 2014 and many have already being received from around the world. The prize is $1 million! … [Lee más...] about Who’s your million dollar teacher?
More “Lego” Girls
* By Catalina Covacevich In January 2014, 7 year-old Charlotte Benjamin wrote to the Lego corporation, disappointed by the role of female characters in the company’s playsets. In her letter, she said that although she loves playing with Legos, she doesn’t like that there are more “Lego boys” than there are “Lego girls”. She also pointed out that “Lego girls” are always sitting … [Lee más...] about More “Lego” Girls
Is preschool education the secret to a more prosperous region?
* By Svante Persson Investing in preschool is actually more profitable than investing in the stock market. The estimated return (per dollar of cost) for high quality early childhood education is in excess of 10% (see link). In comparison, over the last 20 years the stock market’s S&P 500 index had an average annual return of less than 7.8% per year (see link). … [Lee más...] about Is preschool education the secret to a more prosperous region?