A medida que iniciamos el tercer año de esta pandemia zoonótica, la acción de la naturaleza y las finanzas verdes se han vuelto más relevantes. Una economía positiva con la naturaleza puede abordar las causas profundas de esta emergencia sanitaria y desbloquear 10 billones de dólares en oportunidades comerciales mediante la transformación de los tres sistemas económicos que son … [Lee más...] about 5 acciones claves del BID sobre naturaleza y biodiversidad para 2022
Camilo Santa Pena

Camilo Santa Pena
Camilo has been recognized at the Finance for Nature Global Summit in Edinburgh ‘19 and by the New York Forest Declaration at the UNGA ‘18 for his innovations on Impact Investing for Regenerative Economy. In 2019 he joined the Natural Capital Lab at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC, where he advices on finance innovation for biodiversity and climate action. He has lectured at Universidad de los Andes in Colombia and Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, and acted as Key Note Speaker at Global Summits to present to world leaders on the use of blockchain and crypto currencies for climate finance, among other. Currently he supports several of the National Advisory Boards for Impact Investing across Latin America and acts as board member for different conscious companies.