Suppose you have a son (or nephew, godson, or young friend) who is a professional and tomorrow he is offered a job with the promise to "earn between 30% and 70% less than other professionals of the same age and with the same years of education." He is also told that "three out of six available job positions in this field do not have telephones and, on top of that, two … [Lee más...] about And you, do you want your children to be teachers?
“Radical new teaching method” may not be that new: have we had the answer all along?
A prominent American technology magazine recently made a bold declaration splashed across its glossy covers in newsstands nationwide. They had discovered the “next Steve Jobs,” a prodigy with the potential to revolutionize how we live our lives by thinking creatively, differently about the world. Where do you think this wunderkind was discovered? Who do you picture when you … [Lee más...] about “Radical new teaching method” may not be that new: have we had the answer all along?
Beyond the Marshmallow
The tale of the marshmallows is well known to educators and policy wonks. During the 60s and 70s, some of the best psychologists of the time conducted a series of research experiments that involved 4 year olds sitting alone in a closed room with nothing more than two marshmallows and a bell on a table. A researcher entered the room and told the kid that he was going to leave … [Lee más...] about Beyond the Marshmallow
Next Stop: less inequality
So close and so unequal. The differences that are visible when touring Lima on the metro. Cities are unequal. They take in homes of diverse socio-economic backgrounds and varied development opportunities. This has been measured in different ways for more than a century. In fact, Corrado Gini’s article, in which the nowadays famous Gini Coefficient measuring inequality was … [Lee más...] about Next Stop: less inequality
Leapfrogging quality education through ICT: experiences from Haiti
by Augustinus van der Krogt* In 2013, I was hired to collaborate with the Haitian Ministry of Education on its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) strategy and implementation plan. Its purpose was to contribute to expanding access to primary education and improving its quality. Interestingly –very different from many other countries that I have advised – it resulted … [Lee más...] about Leapfrogging quality education through ICT: experiences from Haiti