Girls outperform boys in high school and are more likely to persist in and graduate from college and earn graduate degrees. To understand why this is happening, new research by DiPrete and Buchmann suggests you need to look no further than 8th grade grades. Girls start school more ready to learn than boys. By kindergarten, girls are substantially more attentive, eager to … [Lee más...] about Why Girls Do Better
aimee verdasco
What Does a Princess Know About Grit?
In my last blog, I commented on the complexities of everyday life and how the quest for the marshmallow can be seen as a bit fairytale-like. That got me thinking about fairy tales. Especially about fairytales and girls, and what all of this means for educating and launching girls into the women we hope and expect them to be. We live in a world of princesses. They reign supreme. … [Lee más...] about What Does a Princess Know About Grit?