Tradicionalmente, los economistas como yo, hemos pensado que la pobreza explica el bajo desempeño en la escuela porque las familias pobres no tienen la capacidad para acumular capital humano debido a limitaciones de efectivo en el corto plazo. Un lector desinformado podría pensar: ¿qué rayos significa eso? En términos sencillos, esto significa que los niños pobres suelen tener … [Lee más...] about Los misterios del cerebro, la pobreza y los aprendizajes
Mysteries of the brain, poverty and student learning
Traditionally, economists like me have believed that poverty can explain underperformance in school because poor families are unable to accumulate human capital due to short-term cash constraints. An unaware reader might think: what in the world does that mean? In plain terms, this means that poor kids do not usually have the resources to pay school fees, buy textbooks or … [Lee más...] about Mysteries of the brain, poverty and student learning
What if the prince were a dropout?
Last week it seemed like the whole world got involved in the royal birth, taking bets on the new prince’s gender, weight, name and arrival time. This betting is all in good fun but it got us thinking about the babies who have the odds stacked against them, even before they enter the world. Right now Latin American kids have about a 50/50 chance of graduating high school. … [Lee más...] about What if the prince were a dropout?
¿Qué pasaría si el bebé real fuera un desertor?
La semana pasada todo el mundo hizo apuestas sobre la llegada del nuevo príncipe británico, cuál sería su sexo, peso o nombre. Apuestas que se hacen por diversión pero que, sin embargo, nos invitan a reflexionar sobre los bebés que tienen todo a favor, o en contra, incluso antes de que lleguen al mundo. Hoy en día, los jóvenes latinoamericanos tienen cerca del 50% de … [Lee más...] about ¿Qué pasaría si el bebé real fuera un desertor?
One Laptop per Child in Peru: Findings and the Road Forward
By Julián Cristia* The One Laptop per Child (OLPC) program aims to improve education by providing one laptop to each primary-age child in the poorest areas in the world. The program has been implemented in 42 countries and more than 2 million laptops have been distributed. Complementary inputs, including training and support, are typically included in each deployment. The … [Lee más...] about One Laptop per Child in Peru: Findings and the Road Forward