*Este texto sobre las brechas de género en la educación en el Caribe fue publicado originalmente en el blog Tendencias de Desarrollo del Caribe (Caribbean Development Trends, en inglés) del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. La región del Caribe ha logrado avances considerables en términos de acceso a la educación, alcanzando una matrícula prácticamente universal en la … [Lee más...] about Brechas de género en la educación en el Caribe: ¿van mejor las niñas que los niños?
Claudia Piras
Claudia Piras
Claudia Piras is Lead Economist of the Gender and Diversity Division of the Inter-American Development Bank. In this position, she leads the design, execution, and evaluation of programs to promote gender equality and the economic empowerment of women, an area in which she has more than 20 years of experience in research and public policy. She edited the book "Women at Work: Challenges for Latin America" and has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed academic journals. Before joining the IDB, she headed the Research Department of the competition agency in Venezuela and taught microeconomics at the Andrés Bello Catholic University and the Central University of Venezuela. She has a Master's degree in Economic Policy Management from Columbia University and a Master's degree in Business Administration from IESA, Venezuela.