In my last blog, I focused on some recent findings that show how much girls can benefit from school-based team sports, not only while in school but much beyond. New research confirms this, but goes even further. It inquires into whether physical exercise in general boosts academics or if there is an extra “academic premium” on any given type of activity. … [Lee más...] about Strong Bodies, Stronger Minds II
Strong Bodies, Stronger Minds
I read something recently that I found amazing. There is something that schools can do to increase education results by 20% and raise future employment by 40%. In addition, it boosts important social and emotional skills, as well as health prospects. No, it isn’t more computers, or high stakes testing, or even universal high quality early childhood development (a crusade of … [Lee más...] about Strong Bodies, Stronger Minds
Cuerpo sano, mente sana
Hace poco leí algo que me pareció realmente increíble. Hay algo que las escuelas pueden hacer para aumentar los resultados de la educación en un 20 por ciento y aumentar al mismo tiempo el empleo futuro en un 40 por ciento. Además, su implementación aumenta importantes habilidades sociales y emocionales, así como mejora las perspectivas de salud. No, no se trata de más … [Lee más...] about Cuerpo sano, mente sana