En una situación sin precedentes en la historia del Perú, más de 200,000 personas retornaron a sus ciudades natales en el campo desde ciudades como Lima, Arequipa o Cusco, debido a la situación económica que se produjo por el confinamiento obligatorio para contener la propagación de la COVID-19. La cuarentena decretada por el gobierno entre marzo y junio de 2020 tuvo un impacto … [Lee más...] about Migraciones por COVID-19, oportunidades y retos para una recuperación sostenible en el Perú
Martha Denisse Pierola

Martha Denisse Pierola
Martha Denisse Pierola is a development economist specialized on trade and migration, currently working for the Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions (EFI) Practice Group of the World Bank. She has published several papers on export development and co-created the World Bank's Exporter Dynamics Database–the first-ever global database on exporter growth and dynamics, based on firm-level export data. She has also studied the impact of import competition and migration shocks on labor outcomes and productivity in Latin America. Before rejoining the World Bank, she worked as a Senior Economist for the Migration Unit of the Inter-American Development Bank where she conducted research on migrants’ profiles and the impact of cash transfers on migrants’ socioeconomic integration. Previously, she also worked as an economist for the World Bank, the Peruvian Government (INDECOPI) and also consulted for the private sector and other international organizations. She has a PhD in International Economics from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland and a Master of International Law and Economics from the World Trade Institute in Bern, Switzerland.