La horticultura juega un rol fundamental para la seguridad alimentaria, la diversidad de las dietas, los ingresos rurales, y las exportaciones de América Latina y el Caribe. Los cultivos hortícolas se destacan por ser rubros con alto valor nutricional, de gran valor de exportación, y con altos rendimientos económicos. El sector ha experimentado un crecimiento importante … [Lee más...] about Usando la teledetección para evaluar la sostenibilidad de un programa de sanidad agrícola en Perú
Luis Álvaro Álvarez

Luis Álvaro Álvarez
Luis Alvaro Alvarez is an Economist from Universidad de Piura, Perú and holds a master's degree in Economics from the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He works as an Agricultural and Rural Development consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, DC. His main interests are Public Policy, Agricultural and Environmental Economics and Impact Evaluation. His previous experience was in the public sector and non-profit organizations in Peru, where he worked in several roles in economic analysis and evidence-based policymaking at the Ministry of Education, the National Authority of Consumer Protection and the Red de Estudios para el Desarrollo-Think Tank.