From a development perspective, gender equality is not a "women's" problem but rather a matter of economic and social development in countries. This cross-cutting issue must be naturally integrated into all development work throughout all the productive sectors. Bolivia has made considerable progress towards gender equality in recent years, especially in education and female … [Read more...] about The importance of gender mainstreaming
Gender Equality
Mobilizing Men for a New Normal
It´s no secret that globally, women assume the majority of unpaid labor within the household; women also spend more hours on paid and unpaid labor combined than men do. This status quo has only been magnified by the global pandemic, which has overburdened the care economy to the brink. UN Women has emphasized that, “With children out of school, intensified care needs of older … [Read more...] about Mobilizing Men for a New Normal
Numbers too big to ignore
In Trinidad and Tobago, technically, there is no greater time to be born a woman than now. On average, female life expectancy at birth is the highest it has ever been. The maternal mortality rate is at its lowest over the past decade. Girls are spending more time in school than ever before, and more of them are attaining at least a secondary level of education than their male … [Read more...] about Numbers too big to ignore
The power of Black women
For the most excluded racial and ethnic communities, the current limits to freedom are not the first, evidence of this include other pandemics, poverty, and forced displacement. In the context of COVID-19, we have recognized that structural racism is one of the most significant challenges for the global agenda, along with the climate crisis and violence against women and … [Read more...] about The power of Black women
Focusing on diversity in the search for gender equality
In the 70s, the philosopher John Rawls published his Theory of Justice. He used a very powerful metaphor for this discussion: that of the "veil of ignorance." He argued that if covered by a veil of ignorance about our individual characteristics, our socioeconomic status, our talents, and skills, we would be able to agree on a set of rules about our coexistence in society, only … [Read more...] about Focusing on diversity in the search for gender equality