In Latin America and the Caribbean, socio-economic disparities affecting diverse population groups persist. For example, Indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants have historically been excluded from public policies and development programs. Similarly, the LGBTQ+ population has faced exclusion and discrimination despite increasing social acceptance in some countries in the … [Read more...] about How to improve statistics on diverse population groups through communities of practice?
Racial Inequality in Education: Challenges and Pathways for Afro-descendant Youth in Latin America
In Latin America, Afro-descendant youth continue to face racial inequality. This reflects as significant challenges in accessing and completing education, driven by historical and structural inequalities that date back to the colonial era. From low completion rates in primary and secondary school to high dropout rates and limited representation in higher education, these … [Read more...] about Racial Inequality in Education: Challenges and Pathways for Afro-descendant Youth in Latin America
Yes, Racial Bias in Labor Market Intermediation Services Matters
Despite a troubling persistence of racial gaps in labor market outcomes over the last 15 years in Latin America, the role played by discrimination has not received much attention. We know surprisingly little about hiring bias against Afro-descendants in the region. A recently released study contributes to a large pool of evidence about racial bias against Afro-descendants by … [Read more...] about Yes, Racial Bias in Labor Market Intermediation Services Matters
Afro-Colombian leaders: three keys to successful training processes
"There are a number of problems that frustrate the 'buen vivir' (well-being) of black people in Colombia on a daily basis" says Mayra, an Afro-Colombian leader from the municipality of Guachené, Cauca. Some of these problems, she says, could be solved through projects carried out by the Afro-Colombian communities themselves. However, she believes that their own resources are … [Read more...] about Afro-Colombian leaders: three keys to successful training processes
A New Push for Gender, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the Boards of IDB and IDB Invest: Why It Matters
At the end of 2022, the Boards of Executive Directors of the IDB and IDB Invest approved the formation of a Working Group on Gender, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (GDEI). They recognized the group as an opportunity to improve development outcomes by striving for equal representation, voice and rights – especially given the fact that over the past decade, women have held an … [Read more...] about A New Push for Gender, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the Boards of IDB and IDB Invest: Why It Matters