For the most excluded racial and ethnic communities, the current limits to freedom are not the first, evidence of this include other pandemics, poverty, and forced displacement. In the context of COVID-19, we have recognized that structural racism is one of the most significant challenges for the global agenda, along with the climate crisis and violence against women and … [Read more...] about The power of Black women
Paula Moreno
Ingeniera industrial colombiana y diplomada en lengua y cultura italiana, Mphil en Filosofía de la Gestión de la Universidad de Cambridge, con estudios en planeación urbana y liderazgo en MIT y Yale University. Ex ministra de Cultura en Colombia, la más joven en la historia del país y la primera mujer afro-colombiana en ocupar un cargo ministerial. Ha recibido múltiples reconocimientos como la Orden San Carlos del Gobierno Colombiano, la Orden del Águila Azteca del Gobierno de México y el Premio a la Excelencia Fulbright. En 2013, fue reconocida por la BBC como una de las 100 mujeres líderes en el mundo y en 2016 por las Naciones Unidas como una de las 100 líderes afrodescendientes más influyentes. En 2019 recibió el global fairness award. Fundó la Corporación Manos Visibles en 2010 y desde entonces ha presidido esta organización, que ha fortalecido a la fecha 4000 líderes que influyen en más de 400 organizaciones para el empoderamiento de las comunidades excluidas, en particular afrodescendientes y del litoral Pacífico colombiano, con el fin de cambiar relaciones de poder. Desde 2014 es miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Fundación Ford. En 2018 , publicó sus memorias tituladas “El Poder de lo Invisible” con la editorial Penguin Random House.

Paula Moreno
Industrial engineer and graduate in Italian language and culture from Colombia. Mphil in Management Philosophy from Cambridge University, with studies in urban planning and leadership at MIT and Yale University. Former Minister of Culture in Colombia, the youngest in the history of the country and the first Afro-Colombian woman to hold a ministerial position. She has received multiple awards such as the San Carlos Order of the Colombian Government, the Order of the Aztec Eagle of the Government of Mexico and the Fulbright Excellence Award. In 2013, she was recognized by the BBC as one of the 100 women leaders in the world and in 2016 by the United Nations as one of the 100 most influential Afro-descendant leaders. In 2019 she received the global fairness award. She founded the Manos Visibles Corporation in 2010 and since then has chaired this organization, which has strengthened to date 4,000 leaders who influence more than 400 organizations for the empowerment of excluded communities, particularly Afro-descendants and from the Colombian Pacific coast, in order to change power relations. Since 2014 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Ford Foundation. In 2018, she published her memoirs entitled "The Power of the Invisible" with Penguin Random House.