High stakes tests have had a tremendous impact in curriculum and pedagogy. Often, when greater emphasis is placed on national exams, which are used as a gauge of school quality, teachers are tempted to teach to the test. Also, schools tend to decrease time dedicated to courses such as art, music and foreign languages, which are not included in these tests. More time is … [Lee más...] about Study music to improve test scores
standardized tests
Standardized tests: a race to nowhere?
I just saw "Race to Nowhere," a documentary that is being widely discussed in the United States. This documentary was produced by a mother, Vicki Abeles, about the stress that school was causing her twelve-year-old daughter. The film is a critique of the "wave" of educational accountability sweeping the United States and which is manifested in the use—indiscriminate use, say … [Lee más...] about Standardized tests: a race to nowhere?