Escrito por Marina Bassi y Daniel Alonso Cuando hablamos de desigualdad de género, tendemos a asociarla con desventajas de las niñas y mujeres en diversas dimensiones. Está bien documentado que las mujeres participan menos en el mercado de trabajo, que aquellas que trabajan están más concentradas en empleos informales y en carreras peor remuneradas que los hombres … [Lee más...] about Los trabajos no tienen género
Blog post contest #Glassesoff
If you enjoy writing and you are interested in gender and education issues, this is your chance to share your vision and opinion through this initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank. The Education Division, through its campaign #Glassesoff seeks to generate awareness about the transmission of gender stereotypes in the education system. … [Lee más...] about Blog post contest #Glassesoff
From queens of the house to owners of the field*
Written by Claudia Piras* My daughter was 11 when we visited my family in Buenos Aires that year. One afternoon, as she does in Washington, she went with her cousins to play soccer in a nearby field. On her return, she told us surprised, rather proud, that the boys could not believe she knew how to play and that even some of them had approached to ask her where she came from. … [Lee más...] about From queens of the house to owners of the field*
De reinas de la casa a dueñas de la cancha*
Escrito por Claudia Piras Mi hija tenía 11 años y estábamos en Buenos Aires visitando a mi familia. Una tarde, como ella hace en Washington, fue con sus primos a jugar fútbol a una cancha cercana. Al regresar, nos contó sorprendida, más bien orgullosa, que los chicos no podían creer que supiera jugar y que algunos se le acercaron a preguntarle “de dónde había … [Lee más...] about De reinas de la casa a dueñas de la cancha*
No, it’s wrong… These cannot be my children
Have you ever thought that one out of every five girls you know could be a victim of sexual violence? We were at a friend’s house this weekend, and we started a heated discussion about a topic that has been a lot in the press lately: rapes and sexual assault in university campuses in the US. One of the striking findings that comes out of the report of the White House is … [Lee más...] about No, it’s wrong… These cannot be my children