Despite what we have been told, money doesn’t seem to be sufficient to explain happiness, or at least not fully. According to data from Gallup’s Global Wellbeing report, countries are classified according to their wellbeing, defined as what their citizens think about their present and future lives. That is, their satisfaction and expectations. In these terms, the three highest … [Lee más...] about Education, the road to happiness
Cloning the best teachers in Latin America
We don’t have to be experts to recognize that the major factor in getting a good education is a good teacher. Think about your own experiences at school, and surely you can easily identify the teachers who made a big difference in your lives. In my opinion, the Latin American countries have many good teachers, from whom we can learn best practices and therefore replicate their … [Lee más...] about Cloning the best teachers in Latin America
El Plan “Maestro” para América Latina
No necesitamos ser expertos para identificar que el principal factor para conseguir una buena educación es un buen maestro. Piensen en sus propias experiencias en la escuela y seguro que podrán identificar fácilmente a los maestros que hicieron una gran diferencia en sus vidas. En mi opinión, en nuestros países tenemos muchos profesores que son muy buenos, de los cuales … [Lee más...] about El Plan “Maestro” para América Latina
Los tests estandarizados, ¿una carrera sin rumbo?
Acabo de ver “Race to Nowhere” (Corriendo sin Rumbo—mi traducción), un documental que está siendo muy discutido en los Estados Unidos. Este documental fue creado por Vicky Abeles, una madre que concibió esta película al ver el estrés que la escuela le causaba a su hija de doce años. La película es una crítica a la “ola” de rendición de cuenta en educación que envuelve a … [Lee más...] about Los tests estandarizados, ¿una carrera sin rumbo?
Standardized tests: a race to nowhere?
I just saw "Race to Nowhere," a documentary that is being widely discussed in the United States. This documentary was produced by a mother, Vicki Abeles, about the stress that school was causing her twelve-year-old daughter. The film is a critique of the "wave" of educational accountability sweeping the United States and which is manifested in the use—indiscriminate use, say … [Lee más...] about Standardized tests: a race to nowhere?