*Authors: Catalina Covacevich - Marcelo Pérez Alfaro There are many different organizations that participate in the discussion and propose solutions and interventions in education. The first participants that come to our mind are the national and local governments, schools, families and universities. But... there is an actor who is usually hidden but is often present: The … [Lee más...] about The civil society makes a commitment
A Shift toward Quality
* By Anouk Ewald One, a woman from the Northern colds of developed Europe. The other, a man from the warmth of the sunny but developing Caribbean. What can they possibly have in common? What are they talking about? That’s what we wondered while seeing the two of them sitting together, engaged in an animated discussion as if they were old friends, but surprisingly they had only … [Lee más...] about A Shift toward Quality
Un salto hacia la calidad
* Por Anouk Ewald Ella es una mujer que viene de un rincón helado de la desarrollada Europa. Él es un hombre de una isla cálida del Caribe en vías de desarrollo. ¿Qué pueden tener en común? ¿De qué hablan? Esas mismas preguntas nos asaltaban a todos los que los veíamos boquiabiertos, mientras ellos charlaban en voz baja, uno al lado del otro, como si fueran viejos amigos. … [Lee más...] about Un salto hacia la calidad
Maestros al volante
Por Hugo Ñopo @Hugonopo y Fernando Fernández @ffernandezbazan Frecuentemente escuchamos decir en nuestras ciudades que tenemos “la flota de taxistas y de vendedores mejor educados”. Justamente, hace un tiempo en Lima, un amigo taxista decía, no con poca picardía: “¡pero Doctor, si aquí los taxistas estamos más cultivados que un yogurt!”. Y las estadísticas … [Lee más...] about Maestros al volante
What drives teachers’ future?
By Hugo Ñopo @hugonopo and Fernando Fernandez @ffernandezbazan In our cities we often hear that we have "the best educated cab drivers of the world.” As a matter of fact, a while ago in Lima, a taxi driver who's also a friend said mischievously: "But Doctor, you should know that taxi drivers here are more cultivated than a yogurt." The statistics confirm that our … [Lee más...] about What drives teachers’ future?