Als we kijken naar de economische vooruitzichten van Suriname, kunnen we stellen dat het land voor een aantal uitdagingen staat. De economie is nog niet hersteld van de recessie van 2015, welke werd gekenmerkt door een significante daling in economische groei, grote fiscale- en externe onevenwichtigheden en een snelle toename van de staatsschuld. Verder verergeren de … [Read more...] about Versterking van economische instellingen ter ondersteuning van Surinaamse overheidsfinanciën
Economy & Investment
Strengthening Economic Institutions to Support Suriname’s Public Finances
Suriname is facing a challenging economic outlook. The country’s economy has not recovered from the 2015 recession which was characterized by a large contraction in economic growth, large fiscal and external imbalances, and a rapid increase in central government debt. The effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are worsening the macroeconomic situation and affecting … [Read more...] about Strengthening Economic Institutions to Support Suriname’s Public Finances
What can Caribbean countries do to accelerate financial development?
Financial development is crucial for economic growth, poverty reduction, reducing inequality, and a number of other important social outcomes. Caribbean countries have historically lagged in a number of related areas, and our new chapter in Economic Institutions for a Resilient Caribbean—entitled: Financial Development in the Caribbean—focuses on how countries in the region … [Read more...] about What can Caribbean countries do to accelerate financial development?
Why have Caribbean countries been so indebted, and what can they do to improve outcomes?
Caribbean countries have long been among the most indebted on earth, and related vulnerabilities have slowed growth and poverty reduction across the region. Our chapter in Economic Institutions for a Resilient Caribbean—entitled: Debt Management and Institutions in the Caribbean: Best Practices and Priorities for Reform—focuses on debt-related vulnerabilities affecting … [Read more...] about Why have Caribbean countries been so indebted, and what can they do to improve outcomes?
Stories of Change from Trinidad and Tobago’s Public Sector
Ask a passer-by on the streets of Trinidad and Tobago if they think the public sector is innovative and you are likely to be met with a laugh or a look of disdain. We seem to all have horror stories of unimaginable waiting time or an inability to easily access a public service. All it takes is that one incident to forever cast a shadow of doubt that stretches on for … [Read more...] about Stories of Change from Trinidad and Tobago’s Public Sector