No hay dudas que cerrar las brechas de género en los servicios de infraestructura es fundamental para el desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Aunque el tema ha sido estudiado, analizado y hay varios estudios analizando estos desafíos, aún falta mucho camino por recorrer. Faltan muchos estudios por hacer y datos e información por generar, dado que cada país y sector … [Leer más...] about CONVOCATORIA| Trabajemos juntos para cerrar las brechas de conocimiento en género y diversidad en los servicios de infraestructura
Irene Irazábal Briceño

Irene Irazábal Briceño
Irene Irazábal Briceño is a Citizen Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming Consultant at the Infrastructure and Energy Sector of the Inter-American Development Bank. Her responsibilities include strengthening social sustainability throughout the life cycle of development operations in the Mining, Geothermal Energy, and Hydrocarbon sectors. She has managed multi-stakeholder programs in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, enabling grassroot and high-level partnerships as well as conducting social risk assessments and human rights due diligence. Irene holds an MA degree in Peace Studies from the United Nations mandated University for Peace and has Law and Liberal Arts degrees completed at Universidad Metropolitana (Caracas, Venezuela) and Sciences Po (Paris, France). She is passionate about conflict transformation, alternative justice systems, and outdoor sports.