El Escudo de Guayanés es una de las regiones geográficas con mayor biodiversidad del mundo. Abarca partes de Venezuela, de Brasil, todo el territorio de la Guyana francesa, Surinam y Guyana. Al igual que muchos otros países de América Latina y el Caribe, los efectos del cambio climático están requiriendo planificar y actuar ahora para mitigar las amenazas más … [Lee más...] about 5 claves para la sostenibilidad en el escudo de Guyana

Luis Miguel Aparicio
Luis Miguel is a forest engineer from Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, in Peru; has a BSc in forest science, and a MSc in forest resources conservation from the same university, a diploma on environmental resources management & sustainable development from Hiroshima University, and a diploma in forest certification from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Has worked in more than a dozen countries and his areas of expertise include climate change, natural resources policy and management. Among other positions, has been the technical coordinator of the General Directorate of Forestry and Wildlife in Peru, lead auditor of FSC forest management and forest chain-of-custody projects, forestry expert and validator/verifier for CDM and VCS emission reductions projects, programs of activities and REDD+ jurisdictional programs. Currently works as a consultant for the Climate Change Division of the Inter-American Development Bank.