El verdadero sentido de la vida es plantar árboles bajo cuya sombra no esperas sentarte. - Nelson Henderson El reasentamiento involuntario es uno de los mayores riesgos sociales para la sostenibilidad de un proyecto. Póngase en los zapatos de un aldeano o una comunidad que debe mudarse de su hogar actual porque se construirá una carretera atravesando su ubicación. Claramente … [Lee más...] about Principios del reasentamiento involuntario: ¡Escuchar antes de obrar!
Fredrik Lindblom

Fredrik Lindblom
E G Fredrik Lindblom is a Senior Social Specialist with the Environmental and Social Safeguards Unit of the IDB since May 2017. He has more than 25 years of experience managing social projects in Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Europe. Fredrik worked with the UN for more than 10 years managing institutional building projects as well as refugee, resettlement and emergency operations and continued to work with land titling, social infrastructure, capacity building and community development for indigenous autonomous regions and territories in Nicaragua and Bolivia implementing WB and ILO policies. From 2008 until he joined the IDB, Fredrik worked for rePlan and successfully led the implementation of sustainability and safeguard policies, especially IFC Performance Standards, in private sector natural resources and energy projects.