Cuantificar el número de desplazados por el cambio climático en las próximas décadas resulta un ejercicio complejo dado que los modelos climáticos han ido evolucionando y las motivaciones para emigrar son múltiples. Mientras que en 1990 el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) estimaba que los migrantes climáticos alcanzarían los 200 millones … [Lee más...] about ¿Por qué es clave abordar el cambio climático y la migración de forma simultánea?
Graham Watkins

Graham Watkins
Graham Watkins is Chief of the Climate Change Division at the Inter-American Development Bank and leads the Bank's efforts to support government climate policy and planning in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), increase the availability of finance to drive climate transformation, mainstream climate in bank operations, and build understanding in sustainable infrastructure, climate risk, and decarbonization. Graham has thirty years of experience in LAC leading biodiversity, sustainable infrastructure, and climate change initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean and has published over 60 articles including two books on the Galapagos and the Rupununi in Guyana. He was previously the Executive Director of the Charles Darwin Foundation in Galapagos and Director General of the Iwokrama Centre in Guyana. Graham has a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania and a master’s degree from the University of Oxford.