For much of my life, I’ve been obsessed with gender and mathematics. As a kid I loved when my dad made up math games and riddles, challenging me to come up with solutions. But it was clear to me that not all kids and certainly not all girls shared my love for mathematics. Decades later, the aversion for mathematics that I saw among my girlfriends is replicated in new … [Lee más...] about Fashionable to be Dumb
Ser “tonta” está de moda
Gran parte de mi vida, he estado obsesionada con el tema de género y matemáticas. Cuando era niña, me encantaba cuando mi padre inventaba juegos y acertijos matemáticos y me retaba a resolverlos. Sin embargo, estaba claro que no todos los niños y niñas de mi escuela compartían mi amor por los números. Lamentablemente, décadas después, esa misma aversión a las matemáticas que … [Lee más...] about Ser “tonta” está de moda
How far can a “poor” child go?*
Written by Emiliana Vegas Gustavo Dudamel was five when he already had his own orchestra. He played a vinyl record with Beethoven's Seventh Symphony on his father´s turntable, and waved his arms holding his baton —a piece of wire—, to conduct the dolls that he had carefully arranged around his grandmother´s courtyard. He was as passionate and enthusiastic as he is today … [Lee más...] about How far can a “poor” child go?*
¿Hasta dónde puede llegar un niño “pobre”?*
Por Emiliana Vegas A los cinco años Gustavo Dudamel ya tenía su propia orquesta. Ponía la aguja del tocadiscos de su padre –trombonista y salsero– sobre un acetato con la Séptima Sinfonía de Beethoven. Entonces agitaba en el aire un pedazo de alambre, su batuta, y dirigía a los muñecos que cuidadosamente había dispuesto alrededor en el patio de su abuela. Lo hacía con la … [Lee más...] about ¿Hasta dónde puede llegar un niño “pobre”?*
The best school is a good home*
Written by Lina Zuluaga Every time that state or international exams results, such as PISA, are published, teachers are the first to be blamed by the public opinion for student’s weak performance. Their results still leave much to be desired, and although it is bad news for national education, it helps to highlight the issue in the public agenda. However, we need to go … [Lee más...] about The best school is a good home*