Los primeros cinco años de vida son un periodo crucial en el que un cuidado cariñoso y sensible establece bases sólidas para el desarrollo, el aprendizaje y la salud a lo largo de toda la vida. En un nuevo estudio, mostramos que millones de niños en el mundo —y específicamente en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC)— carecen de acceso al cuidado cariñoso y sensible más elemental, … [Lee más...] about Cuidado cariñoso y sensible para los niños pequeños en América Latina y el Caribe: retos y oportunidades
Dana McCoy

Dana McCoy
Dana Charles McCoy is the Marie and Max Kargman Associate Professor in Human Development and Urban Education Advancement at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her work focuses on understanding the ways that poverty-related risk factors in children's home, school, and neighborhood environments affect the development of their cognitive and socioemotional skills in early childhood. She is also interested in the development, refinement, and evaluation of early intervention programs designed to promote positive development and resilience in young children. She graduated with an A.B. in psychological and brain sciences from Dartmouth College and received her Ph.D. in applied psychology with a concentration in quantitative analysis from New York University.