Frecuentemente alcaldes y expertos de la gestión municipal en América Latina y el Caribe enfrentan una amplia gama de desafíos a la hora de buscar una ciudad sostenible, ya de por sí un camino arduo y complejo. La realidad demuestra que no existe la panacea para la sostenibilidad urbana, puesto que tanto la ciudad como sus partes interesadas presentan particularidades que las … [Lee más...] about Ciudades sostenibles: aprendizajes del modelo urbano nórdico
Sune Holt
Sune Holt is a biologist, geologist and physical geographer with 30 years of field experience on socio-environmental and climate change issues from over 20 countries leading to implementation of appropriate and sustainable solutions. Sune is a Danish citizen but has lived in Nicaragua since year 2000 with some interruptions during other assignments abroad. In 2016 he joined IDB as Climate Change Adaptation Consultant in the Housing and Urban Development Division to work under the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI). Among other activities, he also facilitates the sharing of climate adaption experiences from sustainable solutions being implemented in cities elsewhere in the World with special focus on Nordic Solutions related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From earlier jobs and assignments Sune has extensive and practical experience from waste-to-energy solutions, circular economy, environmental impact assessments, and disaster risk reduction works.

Sune Holt
Sune Holt is a biologist, geologist and physical geographer with 30 years of field experience on socio-environmental and climate change issues from over 20 countries leading to implementation of appropriate and sustainable solutions. Sune is a Danish citizen but has lived in Nicaragua since year 2000 with some interruptions during other assignments abroad. In 2016 he joined IDB as Climate Change Adaptation Consultant in the Housing and Urban Development Division to work under the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI). Among other activities, he also facilitates the sharing of climate adaption experiences from sustainable solutions being implemented in cities elsewhere in the World with special focus on Nordic Solutions related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From earlier jobs and assignments Sune has extensive and practical experience from waste-to-energy solutions, circular economy, environmental impact assessments, and disaster risk reduction works.