Entre los diversos retos a los que se enfrenta el desarrollo sostenible de nuestra región, el tema de la vivienda es, sin duda, uno de los más importantes, urgentes, y complejos. La vivienda es un elemento esencial porque se trata de un derecho básico, sin el cual es difícil ejercer los demás; ¿en verdad se puede pensar en el acceso a la educación o la salud cuando no se tiene … [Lee más...] about ¿Cómo mejorar el acceso a la vivienda a población con bajos ingresos?
Morgan Doyle

Morgan Doyle
Morgan Doyle is the representative of the Inter-American Development Bank Group in Brazil, overseeing the Bank’s programming and country dialogue. In his 23-year career at the IDB, he has served as representative in Uruguay (2017-2020), Ecuador (2013-2017), and Senior Advisor to the Vice Presidency for Sectors and Knowledge. He has led several financial sector operations, working with key public sector agencies involved in housing finance and support to small and medium enterprises, debt management, financial sector regulation and supervision, and secured transactions, among others. He holds a B.A. and M.A. from Brown University in International Development, and has received several academic distinctions, including a Fullbright scholarship and an Inter-American Foundation (IAF) research grant.