El altiplano andino maravilla por sus cielos despejados, de un azul profundo durante el día y cubiertos por un manto de estrellas en la noche. Sin embargo, para los pobladores locales un cielo sin rastro de nubes es una señal clara de que puede ocurrir una helada. En efecto, en temporada de lluvias las nubes funcionan como una especie de abrigo, reteniendo el calor del día y … [Lee más...] about Mejorando vidas en el altiplano del Perú: Acondicionamiento térmico de hogares frente a heladas
Jaime Fernandez-Baca

Jaime Fernandez-Baca
Specialist in the Climate Change and Sustainability Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) since 2012. He coordinates IDB operations in Peru to support the climate change mitigation and adaptation agenda. He was Project Manager in the Southern Andes Program of The Nature Conservancy, in charge of the design and implementation of conservation and development projects in the Yungas ecoregion. As an independent consultant, he has led the design and evaluation of programs and projects for the management of natural resources and biodiversity in various countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Jaime worked for several years in the private sector as an environmental specialist for various investment projects in the mining, hydrocarbons, energy and industry sectors. Engineer in Agronomic Sciences from the University of California, Davis, Master of Science in Environmental Management from the University of Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom, and Master in Agricultural Economics from the National Agrarian University, La Molina.