El altiplano andino maravilla por sus cielos despejados, de un azul profundo durante el día y cubiertos por un manto de estrellas en la noche. Sin embargo, para los pobladores locales un cielo sin rastro de nubes es una señal clara de que puede ocurrir una helada. En efecto, en temporada de lluvias las nubes funcionan como una especie de abrigo, reteniendo el calor del día y … [Lee más...] about Mejorando vidas en el altiplano del Perú: Acondicionamiento térmico de hogares frente a heladas
Ana Iju

Ana Iju
Ana Iju works in the Climate Change and Sustainability Division at the IDB Country Office in Peru. She has more than 12 years of experience in climate change, particularly in adaptation issues. Before the IDB, she worked in the Ministry of the Environment of Peru, coordinating the project to adapt to the impacts of glacial retreat in the Tropical Andes and in the Second National Communication on Climate Change. Previously, she worked on the implementation of environmental and quality management systems with international standards in public and private companies. Ana is a Food Industry Engineer from National Agrarian University - La Molina in Peru and has a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Follow Ana on Twitter: @ana_iju