Algunas veces a la naturaleza le vendría bien un poco de ayuda para crear una costa que reduzca la erosión, al tiempo que brinda un hábitat para todos, desde aves playeras hasta cangrejos herradura. Y es aquí cuando ingenieros y conservacionistas entran en escena. Durante un tremendo chubasco primaveral, los científicos de The Conservancy, ecólogos e ingenieros de CH2M, así … [Lee más...] about Costas vivientes: el espacio donde la ingeniería y la ciencia convergen
Brandy Wilson

Brandy Wilson
Brandy Wilson, LEED O+M is CH2M´s Global Director of Sustainability After helping to start one of CH2M’s first green teams in 1998, she has dedicated her career to translating sustainability challenges for the masses. “The heart of my calling is to translate Geek to English,” she says. She spent many years working in Superfund remediation—several of those dealing with mine waste at the Clark Fork River and Milltown Reservoir Sediments Operable Units in Montana—producing public outreach documents and videos, writing technical decision papers, and talking with people one-on-one in their homes and at public meetings about cleanup options. Brandy attended a selective Leadership Development Challenge in Chiapas, Mexico in 2014, sponsored by the Corporate Eco Forum. This experience strengthened her commitment to green infrastructure and natural capital.