A degree from an elite university—like good grades and honors degrees—often serves as a signal of superior talent, a beacon that guides employers through a sea of candidates to the allegedly most desirable hire. Such bias in favor of the elite, however, can disadvantage highly skilled and talented people who attend less renowned schools or groups like migrants, who often … [Read more...] about Signaling Students’ Skills for Greater Fairness and Productivity
Text Messaging Parents to Boost Student Performance
We've all known kids who joke around in class, get up to mischief, and even skip school altogether, yet manage to ultimately thrive. But they are glaring exceptions. Classroom misbehavior and absenteeism, along with failing grades, are strong warning signs that a student is likely to repeat a grade or give up on school altogether down the line. In Latin America, where only 53% … [Read more...] about Text Messaging Parents to Boost Student Performance
Can the Internet Boost Learning in Latin America?
Can internet access at home stimulate learning among children? It is an especially urgent question in developing countries where digital access and educational achievement lag considerably behind those in developed ones. Ofer Malamud, Santiago Cueto, Diether Beuermann and I decided to address the issue in an experiment where we provided both laptops and internet access to … [Read more...] about Can the Internet Boost Learning in Latin America?
Did Education and Job Experience Reduce Inequality in Latin America?
As Joana Silva and I document in a recent book, earnings inequality declined in 16 of the 17 countries in Latin America for which consistent statistics can be calculated, although the intensity and turning points diverged across countries. For example, after a decade of stagnant or slowly increasing inequality, the 90th/10th interquantile range of the labor earnings … [Read more...] about Did Education and Job Experience Reduce Inequality in Latin America?
What Do Voters Want: Help or Skills?
Boosting skills is essential for entering the ranks of the richest nations. Better education and skills, most economists agree, generate the innovation and productivity that lift countries from middle-income to high-income levels such as those enjoyed by the United States and the wealthiest nations in Europe and Asia. Indeed, along with rule of law and well-functioning markets, … [Read more...] about What Do Voters Want: Help or Skills?