Searing temperatures; rising sea levels. Rainfall, drought, and hurricanes that grow more threatening and intense. With the last seven years registering the hottest temperatures in recorded history, Latin America and the Caribbean not only faces the direct effects of climate change. It confronts a host of indirect economic effects potentially made worse by development … [Read more...] about Confronting the Economic Effects of Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean
Environment and Climate Change
What Can City Governments in Latin America Do to Improve Public Health?
The place where somebody lives matters for their physical well-being. Even within the same country, residents of different cities can have on average better or worse health, partly due to policies their city governments have adopted. Consider life expectancy in Latin America. The gap between the highest and lowest life expectancies in urban areas of Argentina, Chile, … [Read more...] about What Can City Governments in Latin America Do to Improve Public Health?
Achieving Climate Change Goals Means Redirecting 7 to 19% of GDP Worth of Spending Decisions
The case for immediate climate action could not be more stark. Global temperatures have already risen by 1.1°C and over 3 billion people are highly vulnerable to the effects of a warming planet, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We need to immediately adapt to the impacts of a changing climate. We also have to limit warming as close to 1.5°C … [Read more...] about Achieving Climate Change Goals Means Redirecting 7 to 19% of GDP Worth of Spending Decisions
The Unequal Effects of Air Pollution on Health and Income in Mexico City
Perched 7,300 feet above sea level in a valley wrapped round by mountains and volcanoes, Mexico City has long suffered from thick layers of smog produced by cars, factories, and wildfires. Among the worst hazards of that air pollution for its 21 million inhabitants is PM 2.5, inhalable fine particulate matter. People exposed to PM 2.5 can suffer from coughing, shortness of … [Read more...] about The Unequal Effects of Air Pollution on Health and Income in Mexico City
Do Air Pollution Alerts Work to Change Behavior and Reduce Exposure?
The World Health Organization calls air pollution the number one environmental threat to health in the Americas. More than 60,000 people in Latin America died prematurely from exposure to fine particulate matter and ozone in 2010. And with an increasing number of vehicles on the region's roads, lax or non-existent emissions standards, and more frequent wildfires, the number of … [Read more...] about Do Air Pollution Alerts Work to Change Behavior and Reduce Exposure?