En la última década, en Colombia los niveles de ingresos tributarios del Gobierno Central y de las entidades territoriales no han logrado superar el 18% del PIB. Este nivel de presión tributaria es bajo en comparación al promedio de la OCDE (26% del PIB), y en relación a algunos países de América del Sur como Argentina (29%) o Brasil (26%). En el pasado reciente, la baja del … [Leer más...] about Reforma tributaria en Colombia: la oportunidad subnacional
Ramiro López-Ghio

Ramiro López-Ghio
He graduated in economics from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata – Argentina; master's degree in economics from the Universidad Torcuato di Tella; master's degree in International Political Economy from the University of Warwick, and PhD in Business from the Institute of Governance and Public Management of the Warwick Business School. Before his arrival at the IDB, he served as a consultant for the World Bank in the Public Sector Unit for Latin America and the Caribbean. Previously, he worked at the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Presidency of the Nation of Argentina in projects financed by the World Bank, to strengthen governance at various levels of the government. He conducted research in the Federal Investment Council and the National Council of Scientific and Technical research, both institutions of Argentina. He has taught courses at various universities and published research papers in academic and editorial journals, including "Municipal Interdependence in Metropolitan Regions. The case of the Bogotá sabana" (IDB, 2018). Since 2008, he worked as a specialist in the Fiscal and Municipal Management Division in Bolivia and Colombia, leading investment loan operations for subnational governments and as Coordinator of the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Program in Colombia. In June 2018, he assumed the position of Chief of Operations in IDB’s Colombia Country Office.